Are we aware where we are heading to???
Life :- Blessing or Curse?The worst part of our life is that we even dont know why we are in this world. What is the purpose of human birth. We just live on caring of our own, while we know at the same time that we are taking care of something which is sure to be destroyed a day, that is our Body. We have strength in our body, but we misuse it. We have intelligence within our brain but we are too lazy to explore it. We know that we are capable enough to stand near the needy and poor ones, but we have all the excuses with us. We know that what the great ones have done, the same can be achieved by us, but we wont. And when the cold hands of death grabs us we realise that we lost yet another life in waste and useless. Selfishness is sin, if not then God would have sent us alone in this world. We have been provided a community, friends, culture, not to live for self , but to live with and for all sharing eachother's happy and sad moments and to put an effort that the world becomes what we think of Heaven. ....... We love our nation. But anyone have ever tried to make this world. We can fight for our motherland. But anyone have ever tried to think about global brotherhood and thinking the whole world to be one. Can we think that we have one planet to live on and we should play our roles in preserving the whole Earth as an unit. We know how to decorate our house, but can we share our love around the world? Why wars? Why discriminations? when we know that we belong to Earth and whole earth is our motherland. What we should dream of is........ONEWORLDEARTH.
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